Well ladies, don’t keep quiet and don’t fake it! Faking the Big O is unfair to him and a crime to yourself. You also need to be satisfied, don’t you?Tell it like it is . . . but please tell him in a nice way. I don’t think you will leave the man you love simply because he doesn’t perform in bed.
Instead, work at teaching him and training him. I know some of our brothers just want to go for the kill. Bang, bang, bang! And it’s over in a minute.And so many women go along with it by pretending to enjoy it, leaving them frustrated with a very sad sex life.
I had a friend who dated a very handsome guy who had a great job and drove a nice car.He was a very caring man. But guess what? She broke up with him.We all wondered why she would leave such a perfect man until she told us the truth.
“He is a one-minute man,” she said and we all understood.
I felt sorry for the guy and tried to advise her to go back to him and fix things but she refused.
“I’m not interested in teaching a man how to poke,” she said. And all the time the poor guy kept following her around, trying to find out what he had done wrong and she didn’t have the guts to tell him.
I f a man is a one-minute man, as we women describe them, I suggest you speak to him. Guide the brother instead of pretending to have a perfect sex life or walking away.But be careful. Don’t say things like: “You are horrible” or “a rabbit lasts longer than you.”Above all, don’t even try to say “do you think you’re racing in a marathon?” That’s big ouch, ladies.
We all need some kind of guidance at some point in life. Think of it this way. Become a sex teacher to your man and you don’t ever have to fake the Big O ever again.