Monday, 15 August 2016

What The Shape Of Your Lips Says About You

It’s always interesting to find out new ways in which we can determine someone’s character traits just by external appearance and we’ve read a lot about the shape of someone’s fingers, the color of eyes,
the length of their toes and how it reflects their character. But have you heard that the shape of your lips can also read volumes about your personality?

According to the ancient Chinese face reading technique lips are connected to a person’s identity and the shape of the mouth can tell a lot about your relationship with other people, while the lip print reveals your temperament.
In this article we’ll share some amazing facts about lipsology – the science of lip analysis and how it can reveal your character.
Practitioners analyze the size, shape, fullness and contours and according to these traits give accurate descriptions about a person’s character.
Jean Hanner, an expert in face reading and author of The Wisdom of Your Face, says that “The most important thing your lips speak to is [what you’re like] in relationships and how giving you are”.
If you’d like to learn more about your personality or learn how to read other people’s lips watch the video below. It’s very interesting and you’ll be amazed how accurate this science is.
Have you ever wonder what says your lips about you? Psychologists have answered that question and determinate the connection between the character and the shape of the mouth really exist.
Take close look of your mouth in the mirror and find out what can tell your lips about you.
Small lips
This type of mouth has generous and good-natured person. If the lips are in the form of a button then it is a person that is interested in all events in the environments, want to explore, but they are big rebels.
Big lips
Behind this mouth is hiding person of ambitious nature. These women love to command. People with a wide smile are generally surrounded by a multitude of people and have many friends with different interests. Most often they are very successful, talented, and great, but also they are great perfectionists.
Full lips
Although women with fuller lips look very sexy, and even lustful, they are often emotionally immature. However, the degree of confidence in them is very high.
Thin lips
Thin lips reveal insecurity, and sometimes people with personal inferiority complexes. But these women have also one good quality – they are practical.
Heart lips
Women with heart lips are independent, seductive and expressive. They are not afraid of anything and are great hedonists.
Low angles lips
Women with this shape of lips do not want to share their privacy, they are kind of a withdrawn persons and somewhat mysterious. Sometimes they are too picky, and it is not rare that their environment is perceived as self-centered and insightful.

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