These are some very important facts about cancer cells that you should know.
Every person has cancer cells in the body, which occur at least 6 times during life. But, what you should know is they cannot be identified by standard tests until they multiply into billions.
Their multiplication is prevented, if the person has a strong immune system.
The most common reasons for this can be: unhealthy lifestyle habits, unhealthy food, environment and genetics. Additionally, cancer cells can develop, if the person has nutritional deficiencies.
The consumption ofhealthy foods and supplements can boost your immune system, and at the same time can stop the multiplication of cell cancer.
Chemotherapy is harmful because although it destroys fast-growing cancer cells, it also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells at the same time.
Chemotherapy affects the immune system. It produces toxins and as a result of this the patient may be easily influenced by further complications and infections.
Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate, making the cancer more difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other areas of the body.
You should not eat foods that support the multiplication of cancer cells.
Which foods are beneficial for cancer cells?
-Cancer cells live in an acidic environment. Processed foods and meat increase the acidity, so you should replace them with chicken and fish.
-Dairy products like milk generates mucus, especially in the digestive tract. Therefore, replace it with unsweetened soy.
-Do you know that the sugar is a cancer-feeder? You have to cut off the sugar completely. Instead of that, you can consume Manuka honey or molasses.
-You can alkalize your body by eating seeds, nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits. Eat more vegetables and more raw vegetables few times aday. Fresh vegetable juices also provide live enzymes and stimulate the growth of healthy cells.
-Taking supplements like vitamin E can lead to apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Other supplements such as:essential fatty acids, beta glucan, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, can strengthen the immune system and fight against cancer cells.
-You should always drink filtered water, and avoid dangerous toxins and heavy metals in tap water.
-Instead of drinking coffee and eating chocolate, you can drink green tea. This tea has potent properties that help prevent cancer.
– Additionally, you should reduce or avoid meat, so that your body will be able to produce more enzymes, which are very important for attacking the protein walls of cancer cells affected.
-Cancer cells cannot live in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.
-You have to be positive, because cancer affects your body, your spirit and mind. You should have an optimistic attitude towards the treatment in order to fight this disease.Try to avoid stress, bitterness, anger and sadness, as they cause an acidic environment in your body. Live your life happy and fulfilled.
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